Get Involved
Community engagement is a core value of the NJACE. Without the imperative involvement of individuals with autism, caregivers, medical professionals, researchers, and students, our efforts cannot be truly valid and well-rounded.
There are many ways to get involved with the NJACE and make sure that your voice is heard.
Funding Opportunities
The NJACE offers multiple forms of funding, from seed grants to support federal grant applications to funding to support connecting individuals with autism with autism researchers.
Advertise your Research
In an effort to increase communication and collaboration between researchers and autistic individuals, we are happy to offer researchers the ability to advertise their research on our website. Whether this functions as a way to recruit participants or connect with autistic individuals for assistance on the development of a research project, we hope that the NJACE website can be a hub for researchers and individuals with autism alike.

From an annual conference to practica and workshops, the NJACE offers many events for the community to attend. Visit our Events page to learn more about upcoming events and how to get involved!
Join Our Mailing List!
Join the NJACE mailing list to stay up-to-date on the latest events, opportunities, and scientific advancements.